Workflow Solutions for Support & Helpdesk

Workflow solution for Support & Helpdesk teams
Data. Information. Knowledge. Radically transparent.
The birdy7 Solution Guide in the Inbox is tightly integrated with the workflow solution for Support & Helpdesk teams. This lets everybody know at all times where an alarm comes from and how it should be corrected. birdy7 retains and utilizes your data optimally.

birdy7® Inbox. Support redefined.
Alarms from the entire fleet are automatically prioritized and collectively displayed in the Inbox. The ability to assign an alarm to a team or a single person ensures that the responsibilities are clear and transparent.

Overview. Focussed on your needs.
With birdy7's integrated Rule & KPI engine, you can configure your own KPIs tailored to your needs, individual alarms/events and categories. You determine how and what your KPIs are composed of and what conditions or conditions trigger your self-configured alarms/events should lead. This gives you maximum flexibility and independence for further analysis.

Solution Guide. Learn from the past.
The Solution Guide informs you with every alarm how it is to be solved and which solutions were successful in the past. Learn from your predecessors and improve your success rate and response times.

Knowledge retention slashes downtime.
After solving an alarm condition, the steps taken are documented. This grows the knowledge base, and provides an ever-growing menu of possible solutions available to the support team. Reduce your response time and your downtime, and make your entire support team more efficient.

All technologies, one platform.
birdy7 finally lets you monitor your entire power plant fleet in one tool. Be it consisting of solar-, wind-, hydro- or biogas power plants. All power plants that communicate with an OPC protocol can be integrated with birdy7. Those that use other protocols require an individualized solution, also offered by the birdy7 team.

KPIs, alarms, warnings always in view.
Always know the latest condition of your power plants with the birdy7 platform. Active alarms and warnings, and actual KPIs are updated in the detail panel as they change in the connected power plants.

Check your power plants down to component level.
The component view lets you zoom into the turbine, inverter or string to investigate individual components with sensors attached. As if you’re on site.